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about Rachel

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I started my conventional work life with a degree in biochemistry and statistics, and became a high-school teacher. Since then I've worked in a variety of roles, most of them offering various modalities that promote well being and awareness - mindfulness, meditation, qi gong, and the movement awareness work of Moshe Feldenkrais. I've worked in the area of organisational well being and with clients to help them with stress, grief, trauma and loss and to live a more connected and joyful life. I have recently completed the two-year training in biodynamic craniosacral work, which is a fantastic modality, and am now offering sessions in Kapiti.

Mindfulness and Presence has always been at the heart of my work and one of my deep interests is in seeing adults and children learn to live with more ease, well being and joy. I know at first hand our human capacity for pain, and I have understood that it is the mind which creates and perpetuates the most intense suffering. I have found mindfulness practice to be wonderful in learning to slow down to a more natural pace of Life, to uncover limiting thinking patterns, and to cultivate more ease, positivity and spontaneity in the daily duties of everyday life.

The spiritual journey, of re-discovering the natural and inherent joy that comes from simply Being, and discovering all that lies in the way of that, is increasingly informing my work with others.

The retreats I facilitate are fundamentally about honoring and remembering the great Mystery, the Source which lives us, and using tools to work compassionately with the trauma, the ingrained patterns and conditioning that obstructs a joyful relationship with Life itself.